OHI-S – Pediatric Dentistry School
By: Dimitris Emmanouil, Marc Semper, Riad Bacho, Soraya Coelho Leal, Meenakshi S. Kher, Falk Schwendicke, Juan D. Flores, Prasad Krishnaji Musale
15 Lessons
(9.07 GB) (25/5 Hours)
Categories: Courses, Dentistry COURSES, Neurology
Tag: Dentistry COURSES
Great pediatric dentistry school! The lecturers present North American, South American, European and Asian schools. They will share their clinical experience in working with the most unpredictable patients — children!
By becoming an student of the School, you will have access to 4 modules dedicated to:
- fundamentals of pediatric dentistry: diagnosis, anesthesia, psychology
- direct and indirect restorations in pediatric dentistry
- endodontic treatment of temporary and permanent teeth with unformed roots
- preventive treatment in pediatric dentistry.
We recommend this comprehensive and diverse course for maximum understanding of the nuances of treating pediatric patients.
OHI-S Pediatric Dentistry School-
Dimitris Emmanouil, Marc Semper, Riad Bacho, Soraya Coelho Leal, Meenakshi S. Kher, Falk Schwendicke, Juan D. Flores, Prasad Krishnaji Musale @drhomod Video List:
- Lesson 1- General anesthesia with nitrous oxide pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics- Dimitris Emmanouil
- Lesson 2- General anesthesia with nitrous oxide protocols, and clinical recommendations- Dimitris Emmanouil
- Lesson 3- Dental radiographs for infants, children and adolescents. СBCT- Marc Semper
- Lesson 4- Nitrous oxide sedation in pediatric dentistry – Riad Bacho
- Lesson 5- Cariesology diagnosis, risk assessment, non-invasive and minimally invasive treatment- Soraya Coelho Leal
- Lesson 6- Cariesology preparation, treatment of dental caries- Soraya Coelho Leal
- Lesson 7- Minimally invasive restorative modalities in the anterior aesthetic zone- Meenakshi S. Kher
- Lesson 8- Treating the young permanent molar- Meenakshi S. Kher
- Lesson 9- Managing cavitated caries in children- Falk Schwendicke
- Lesson 10- Managing deep caries in children- Falk Schwendicke
- Lesson 11- Interdisciplinary reabilitation in pediatric dentistry – Juan D. Flores
- Lesson 12- Endodontic techniques in vital immature permanent teeth- Meenakshi S. Kher
- Lesson 13- Pulpitis and apical periodontitis of young permanent teeth- Meenakshi S. Kher
- Lesson 14- Modern endodontics for primary teeth- Prasad Krishnaji Musale
- Lesson 15- Timely treatment of malocclusion in pediatric dentistry